Virtual Classrooom FAQ
1. What is virtual education?
Virtual education is an online platform that allows students (K-12) to learn at their own pace. All coursework is provided to the student electronically and all student/teacher interactions are held exclusively through a virtual reality classroom.
2. Who might benefit from virtual education?
ANY student who has difficulty with an in-person classroom environment
Students who may be temporarily managing medication or illness.
Students who are not able to attend in-person classes due to medical reasons or hospitalization
Students who may have fallen behind in the public school system
Students who may be traveling over the summer break
Students who will not be able to return to an in-person classroom environment due to Covid-19 school closures
3. How does my student access courses?
Each student/parent will be provided an online access code to our online platform through Google Classroom. The student/parent will be able to each create a profile and login so all coursework can be completed and tracked.
4. What equipment/resources do I need for virtual education?
Access to a strong internet connection and laptop. Please notify us at if you may need assistance with these resources.
5. My child is enrolled full time in Launch Academy. Is virtual education included?
Yes! Virtual education is included free of charge if your student is enrolled at Launch Academy.
6. What if my child needs additional help with school?
After-school tutoring hours are available upon request. The fee is $20 (30 minutes) or $40 (60 minutes).
7. How will my student stay connected with other students?
Discussion forums are organized and monitored on a daily basis to spark conversations/debates so that students may engage and learn from each other. Our experience however is that students generally do much better in person where teachers can support them directly.
8. If my student is enrolled in the virtual education program, can they still participate in social activities with Launch Academy students?
We invite all students, in-person and virtual, to participate in social connection times: i.e, study halls, lunch, recess, or field trips.