World Geography
This course will teach students to better understand our constantly changing and complex world through geography. Students will study geography from the physical, political, and cultural prospective through the five basic geographical themes of location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region. Geographical skills, and geographic literacy (locating countries, capitals, & physical features of the world) will be expanded on during the course.
World History

World History is an in-depth study of our global community's past, emphasizing the people and events that changed past societies, and how these changes affect our modern society. The first part of the course is separated into lessons comprising the following topic areas: Early civilizations such as Ancient Greece and Rome, the rise of Christianity, societies of the Middle Ages such as the Byzantine Empire, Russia and Eastern Europe, the Renaissance and Reformation, the start of the Global Age in Europe, Africa and Asia, the Age of Absolutism, the regional civilizations of Islam, Africa, the spread of civilization in East and Southeast Asia. Themes of this course include the effect of religion on societies, causes and results of major wars, cultural impacts of imperialism and global connections, and the role of government on the lives of people.
U.S. History

Students will learn about native peoples who originally explored the land, explorers and the paths they used, examine how colonies became the United States after independence, founding principles of the US government, the acquisition of new territory post-colonial times, the causes and events of the Civil War, post-Civil War America, industrialization in the United States had on the economy and society, Progressive Era, World War I, the interwar period, the Great Depression, World War II, how the US became a super power, the Cold War, the Civil Rights movement, the development of a counterculture, the resurgence of conservatism, modern technological advancements, terrorism, and the current state of politics.

Students will learn about the state, national, and local governments. Students will also learn about key issues, court cases, and documents that have shaped the United States into the country that it is today.

Students will learn to understand economics from the viewpoint of the individual consumer or small business owner to the global economy. The course will study the law of supply and demand, forms of business, labor unions, government finances and influence on the economy, money, prices, and inflation and deflation cycles.