In-Person Learning
What is your tuition?
Deposit- A non-refundable deposit of $2000 is due with the acceptance of the application. At the time of the deposit, payments will be scheduled for the remaining balance of the tuition.
Tuition- $22,000. After the $2000 deposit, the remaining balance will be paid during the remaining 10 months according to the payment schedule selected.
What is the pay system?
The whiteboard video on the right of the page is probably the quickest easiest way to understand our pay system. We recommend that $1000 be set aside to be paid back to your student as they complete their “work” duties throughout the year. Launch implements an allowance system to reward your student for their work each week. At the beginning of each month, between the 1st – 5th, we collect $100 (Note: allowance amount is determined by age) in cash to pay student allowance in addition to your tuition. Student allowances are distributed every Friday. Any residual “unearned” money will be refunded to the parent at the end of the semester. The student allowance system is used to motivate students to earn a weekly allowance for their achievements throughout the week. It is also used as part of our disciplinary system. The allowance system supports student develop in the areas of life and independent living skills. We want to emulate real world experiences.
What is your student to teacher ratio?
Students who attend Launch benefit from our low 3:1 student-teacher ratio. We currently have students from grades 6 – 12. We believe our students thrive in a small school environment with hands-on instruction. Launch Academy is planned and intended to remain a small school with a low student-teacher ratio. We have designed our program to be based on consistent social and academic observations and interventions and have completed it with our unique allowance system.
How is student behavior?
We have very few behavior problems with our Launch Academy students. Our student allowance system works! It encourages good behavior and performance from all of our students. We are not equipped to serve students with severe behavior issues or delinquency records.
Do you only serve students with Autism Spectrum Disorders?
No. We have students with ASD, but we also have learning disabled students with no diagnosis on the autism spectrum. We also serve students with Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, Dyslexia and “quirky” kids that are not a good fit for a public school environment.
How does Launch Academy address life skills?
Our focus is to prepare our students for living independently after high school. We treat our students like an employee, they treat school like a job. By the end of their first month of school, all students have learned what it takes to earn their allowance, which is based not only on academics or “job” duties, but based on social skills as well. Students learn to purchase groceries and manage a small budget. This is not something taught once per semester in a “social skills” class, this is something we teach EVERY DAY. Students learn to prepare their own lunches and also do some work-related tasks at the coffee shop and for the church facility. Because of our small teacher to student ratio and our approach to getting the best behavior and academics out of each student, Launch students are uniquely prepared for life after graduation.
Do your students get homework?
This is difficult to answer because each student works at different rates. Some finish their work during school hours or during study hall. However, we do believe concepts taught during the day must be reviewed in the evening for concept mastery. Students should expect thirty minutes to one hour of school work every evening.
What are school hours?
We start at 8:30 a.m. and finish at 3:30 p.m. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have an extended day for our after school book and sports clubs that go until 4:30 p.m.